
Financial Infidelity and Divorce: It’s Complicated

By Andrea Vacca

The legal, emotional and financial needs of couples divorcing due to “financial infidelity” are often complex. When many people hear that “infidelity” was the reason for a divorce, they automatically assume it has to do with sex. More and more often,…

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Conscious Coupling: Using Prenuptial Agreements to Build a Healthy Marriage

By Andrea Vacca

Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin have made the news lately with their “conscious uncoupling” – a new term for a mindful divorce that is an excellent example for separating couples to learn from. Like most people, I had never heard…

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The “Good Enough” Agreement

By Andrea Vacca

When a couple divorces, it is usually the case that neither party gets everything he or she wants. Understanding and accepting this fact before you start the divorce process can help make the process less costly – both financially and emotionally. One…

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Questions to Ask Before Hiring Your Collaborative Divorce Attorney

By Andrea Vacca

In my last post, I explored the idea of “doing no harm” as a collaborative divorce attorney. Some of the comments I received focused on what it means to be a collaborative professional, while others lamented the prevalence of lawyers who…

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To Do No Harm

By Andrea Vacca

The Hippocratic Oath, which reads in part: I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel, is often summarized by the phrase “Do no harm.” This simple yet powerful credo is an excellent approach…

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Tips to Help Reduce Time and Costs When Negotiating Divorce Agreements

By Andrea Vacca

It is possible to make the divorce process more time- and cost-effective? When potential clients consult with me in connection with their divorce, one of the first questions they ask is, “How much do you expect this to cost?” and one…

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Changing Course (in your divorce)

By Andrea Vacca

If you’re in the middle of a litigated divorce and are unhappy with the way things are going, you can change course. You might have started the divorce process with the goal of ending the marriage quickly and feeling as financially secure…

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The Repercussions for Divorcing Women Who Have Opted Out of the Workforce

By Andrea Vacca

Lately, women are being encouraged to “Lean In”, which is the title of Sheryl Sandberg’s book that encourages women to take an active role in their career development. So I found it very interesting to read an article in the New…

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The Team Approach To Divorce

By Andrea Vacca

An article entitled The Team Approach to Divorce was published in the July 2013 issue of New York Family Law Monthly, an ALM publication. In the article, I explain how the professional-team approach works in the collaborative process and how attorneys who primarily litigate…

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How to Have the Nastiest Divorce Possible

By Andrea Vacca

Note to readers: I’ve been wanting to write about how to avoid “nasty” divorces without all the gloom and doom that usually accompanies such a topic. And then it struck me: Use equal parts facts, sarcasm and humor! If you…

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Mindfulness as a Tool for a Less Adversarial Divorce

By Andrea Vacca

Divorce can be an overwhelming experience. For most of us the days are full enough, yet divorcing couples are confronted with finding the time to fit in things they would not normally need to do, like meeting with attorneys and working…

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The Power of Positive Psychology in Divorce – 5 Concepts

By Andrea Vacca

One of the reasons I am passionate about collaborative law is because I am able to learn so much from it. Recently my desire to learn led me to discover a new way of looking at the world through the lens of…

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