
Being Resilient

Positive Psychology in Divorce – Part 3: Learning to Be Resilient

By Andrea Vacca

Divorce can feel like your life has shattered into countless pieces, leaving you unsure of how to move forward. However, it is during these tough times that resilience can become your greatest ally. Learning to be resilient can help you…

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Positive Psychology in Divorce – Part 2: Focusing on Your Strengths

By Andrea Vacca

Rather than focusing on a person’s weaknesses and trying to “fix” them, Positive Psychology focuses on how a person’s strengths can be used as a buffer against difficulties in life and as a way to create positive well-being. Strengths are…

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Positive Psychology in Divorce – Part 1: Having a Growth Mindset

By Andrea Vacca

As we explained in an earlier post, Positive Psychology is the scientific study of well-being, happiness, and what helps people to thrive as opposed to just survive. Because I’m a student of Positive Psychology and a soon-to-be certified coach in…

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5 Key Concepts of Positive Psychology for a Better Divorce Experience

By Andrea Vacca

Divorce can be a time for growth and transformation. At Vacca Family Law Group, we are passionate about Collaborative Divorce because it is a constructive approach to divorce, emphasizing mutual respect and open communication. My journey into Positive Psychology has…

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The Family Pet: Sharing Custody After Your Divorce

By Andrea Vacca

You are getting a divorce, and you know you need to deal with the division of assets, liabilities, and spousal support. If you have children, the issues of a parenting plan and child support will certainly be discussed. But what…

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How Collaborative Divorce Helps to Prioritize Your Children’s Well-Being

By Andrea Vacca

If one of your priorities in your divorce is to ensure the well-being of your children, you need to consider the Collaborative Divorce process. Collaborative Divorce offers a more amicable, respectful, and child-focused alternative to traditional adversarial divorce and more…

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Talk to children about divorce

How To Talk To Your Children About Your Divorce

By Andrea Vacca

If you have children and are planning to divorce, it is important to carefully think about how you will talk to them about the decisions you and your spouse have made and the changes that will lie ahead. Children are…

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Nesting in divorce

What is Nesting in Divorce?

By Andrea Vacca

Nesting, also known as bird nesting, is a unique co-parenting arrangement that can be an excellent short-term solution for families working through the early stages of separation or divorce. In this arrangement, the children stay in the family home (the…

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Divorce with child unsure of sexuality

Divorcing When Your Child is Questioning Their Gender or Sexuality

By Andrea Vacca

Divorcing when your child is questioning their gender or sexuality can present unique challenges because just as you and your spouse are navigating difficult but relatively standard financial and child-related issues, you may find yourselves also facing difficult emotions and…

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Spouse came out

My Spouse Came Out of the Closet – Now What?

By Andrea Vacca

If you’re reading this blog, you may have found yourself in a situation you never expected. You married someone you thought you knew, only to have them reveal a truth about themselves that shakes the very foundation of your relationship.…

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Financial considerations

Financial Considerations for Couples in Polyamorous and Open Marriages

By Andrea Vacca

Deciding to marry is a significant milestone in life, filled with joy, excitement, and sometimes, a bit of uncertainty. For polyamorous couples and those who plan to have open marriages, taking this step can be uniquely challenging, particularly when it…

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Same-Sex couples

Benefits of Non-Adversarial Divorce for Same-Sex Couples

By Andrea Vacca

Are you and your same-sex partner contemplating divorce? Perhaps you’re feeling overwhelmed and constrained by New York’s divorce laws that don’t necessarily reflect the reality of the life you’ve built with your soon-to-be ex. Fortunately, there are non-adversarial divorce options…

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