Holiday Planning During Divorce: Putting Children First
The holidays are stressful. Divorce makes them even more so. However, when you put the needs of the children first, decision-making becomes a lot easier. There are creative solutions available through the collaborative divorce process to celebrate the holidays during your divorce and after your divorce is final. Vacca Family Law Group has a 3-part series on holiday planning during divorce.

Holiday Planning During Divorce: Putting the Children First
- Think About Holiday Traditions From Your Child’s View Point
- Let’s Talk About Specific Holidays: Think Creatively and Sensibly
- Winter Break/Christmas and Hanukkah
- Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
- Hanukkah
How the Collaborative Divorce Process Helps Parents Find Creative Solutions to Celebrate the Holidays with More Ease - Creative Solutions
- Nesting
- Spending the Holidays Together
Holiday Planning After the Divorce Is Final - Handling The Holidays Post-Divorce
- Flexible Thinking (to a point)
- Be Considerate of Your Child’s Love for Their Other Parent